One of the easiest ways to make a planned gift is to provide a gift for NAGC in your will. Bequests may include a dollar amount or other assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible personal property. You may also designate a residuary bequest to the Center: all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after other obligations are met. For the purposes of estate tax considerations, all bequests to the NAGC are fully tax-deductible. We suggest you discuss your plan with your attorney or financial adviser. The Center would be pleased to consult with you about your bequest planning. Bequests may be donated to create endowments or to support any of the Center’s ongoing work.
Today, a wide range of planning options are available to donors of planned gifts to non-profit organizations. The Center urges you to investigate leveraging your philanthropic reach by creating a charitable remainder trust, a charitable lead trust, or a charitable gift annuity. These plans, as well as gifts of retirement assets, life insurance, real estate, and gifts-in-kind all create many options as you consider the methods available to help the NAGC with a legacy gift.