Writing Your Family History Class 2020 – Classroom
Monday, August 10 and Tuesday, August 11
This class is offered to those who would like to write their family histories in a way that is clear, enjoyable and permanent. There will be time during each day of the class for research help in the Naeseth Library with NAGC staff.
Jerry Paulson will instruct the class. Jerry has extensive experience as a genealogical researcher and teacher. In addition to classes at NAGC, he has also taught courses in genealogical research and Norwegian cultural topics at Madison College; he has also led numerous research tours to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
All classes will be held in the Ostby Education Center on the second floor at the Genealogical Center.
We must adhere to Dane County Public Health Emergency Order #8, so masks will be required while in the building and social distancing will be observed.
For more information, contact Jerry Paulson at gpaulson@nagcnl.org or call 608-255-2224.
NAGC Member Fee: $125 / Non-Member Fee: $150